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  • 壳牌计划扩大在俄罗斯的油气业务


2020-01-19 09:11:29 中国石化新闻网

据塔斯社1月17日报道,壳牌执行副总裁兼俄罗斯地区主席克里默斯(Cederic Cremers)对记者表示,该公司打算扩大在俄罗斯的业务,重点关注西伯利亚西部的石油项目和液化天然气项目。


邹勤 摘译自 塔斯社


Shell plans to expand oil and LNG business in Russia

Shell intends to expand its business in Russia, focusing on oil projects in Western Siberia and LNG projects, Cederic Cremers, Executive Vice President and Country Chair Russia at Shell, told reporters.

"Of course, we are expanding our oil business in Western Siberia, and our goal is to grow and further expand our presence here. As for gas, we are major players in the LNG market (liquefied natural gas - TASS). We believe that Russia can grow in this market and become a global leader. Our goal is to understand how to strengthen and improve our position on Sakhalin, everyone knows that there are technical difficulties there," he said.

责任编辑: 李颖
